Correct Traffic Cone & Road Sign Sizing

There are strict rules on the sizes of traffic cones that can be used within certain speed limits and carriageway layouts. This guide sets out to explain the ins and outs of Cone legislation as detailed in the 1995 Safety at Street works and road works policy.

Primarily Traffic cone size is determined by the speed limit of the road they are to be used on, and also how many carriageways the road consists of.

These regulations are as follows:

30 Mph or Less Single Carriageway.

Cone height must be 450mm or above.

40 Mph or Less Single Carriageway.

Cone Height Must be 450mm or above.

40 Mph Dual Carriageway.

Cone Height Must be 450mm or above.

50 Mph Single Carriageway.

Cone Height Must be 450mm Or above.

50 Mph Dual Carriageway Road.

Cone Height must be 750mm Or above

60 Mph Single Carriageway Road.

Cone Height must be 750mm Or above

60 Mph Dual Carriageway Road.

Cone Height must be 750mm Or above

70 Mph Dual Carriageway Road.

Cone Height must be 750mm Or above

70 Mph Dual Carriageway Road.

Cone Height must be 750mm Or above

Traffic Cones must also follow the following rules:

  • The white reflective sleeve must be 40% of the overall height.
  • The red portion below the sleeve must be a minimum of 10% of the overall height.
  • The red portion at the top of the cone must be a minimum of 25% of the overall height of the cone.
  • The base of the cone must be red, black, grey, or brown in colour.

This article follows the basics of size and composition of traffic cones. It is always worth checking the chapter 8 guidelines for any updates or changes to these rules.